“My ambition is to have a bigger platform to share my experiences and to share my passion and interest in the health and wellbeing.”
GVW: If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
Resilient, hardworking, and focused.
GVW: As an assistant professor at Bradford University, what is an ordinary day for you like?
I ensure that everything is well planned at home before setting off for work, ensuring that I have catered for my boys and my husband. At work, as a senior member of the team and as a programme leader, I ensure that I am visible and that things are going well. An ordinary day for me is a 10-hour working day, usually starting at 9 or 9.30 am and finishing between 7 and 7.30 pm with an hour break in-between. My role involves, on a daily basis, attending planning meetings, supporting colleagues with the planning of teaching and seminars, teaching and running seminars myself, responding to staff and student queries, strategizing to improve the programme that I lead, reviewing Masters and Doctoral theses, and many other University activities. For example, I am currently the Faculty Assembly Chair for my Faculty. This is a role I do not take for granted because my presence in this particular space and in that role as a senior leader makes a difference to other people. I rely heavily on having a fully planned daily calendar and try as much as possible not to deviate from it though this is not always possible. In this, I try to be true to myself and know what my values are. These values influence my leadership style.
GVW: Why did you choose to go down the career path that you’re currently in?
It started as a competition to show off to my Dad, who was also an academic, but very quickly, I realized I had a passion for teaching, impacting knowledge, and supporting people. My main aim is to be supportive to people. At work, it is about supporting students and staff to ensure they perform well. My leadership style is supportive. My ambition is to have a bigger platform to share my experiences and to share my passion and interest in the health and wellbeing of women, especially those from minoritized communities or people who have sought refuge or asylum. The best way of doing this is to progress to a professor in public health because this will enable me to work
VW: Is there any advice you’d give to women who are struggling to balance their family life with their work life?
Family comes first. Do not sacrifice a good and happy family life for your career. Pick the career up when you are sure your family is settled and happy. At the same time, do not leave your CV idle. Always remember that you have something to contribute, and do not let your gender be a limiting factor. Also, do not compromise your values. . Do something on the side even if it is for a few hours a week, for example, volunteer or run a business.