Voice of Nations, Global Visionary Women Network

International Festival for Business 2016 – 2nd Global Convention of Global Visionary Women Network , June 22nd – 24th 2016

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Theme: Transformational Leadership and Culture Change

The Official Opening of our 2nd Global Convention-an official event of The International Festival For Business 2016 will be done by Liverpool’s First Citizen and Lord Mayor, Cllr Roz Gladden!

As part of the International Festival For Business 2016, the UK’s biggest-ever business festival, with business owners, investors and entrepreneurs from over 90 countries, coming to The IFB2016, The Global Visionary Women Network (GVWN) in association with ‘Behaviour Change’ award winning social enterprise, Voice of Nations (VON), will be hosting its 2nd Global Convention at The Exhibition Centre, Liverpool from June 22nd-24th 2016. The Theme of this year’s Global Convention is Transformational Leadership and Culture Change, aimed at converging some of the world’s leading and most successful female pioneers, visionaries, global change agents and aspiring leaders to examine how strategic thinking, culture change and transformational leadership can break down cultural barriers/precepts encountered by 21st century female leaders and aspiring leaders. Our objective is to identify and foster optimal organisational cultures/ethics that develop and promote exceptional female leadership and collaboration at all levels.

It will provide a global platform for well established female leaders, pioneers and visionaries/ entrepreneurs from various walks of life and nations across the globe, to connect in an exclusive 3 days convention at the heart of The IFB2016, and share their journeys, challenges, business/organisational culture and success strategies/leadership ethics with other thought leaders/aspiring leaders and institutions, with the aim of encouraging optimal organisational culture/ethics, teamwork, and excellence, required to bridge existing gender/culture gap.

The convention will create global awareness of current cultural perceptions about female leadership and its impact on gender equality; and discuss/deliberate on best organisational culture change and inclusive strategies to bridge the gap and promote inter cultural and transformational leadership.

Click here for the program outline: http://www.globalvisionarywomennetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/IFB2016-Final-program.pdf

Meet our Powerful Team of Global Visionaries and World-Class leaders who will be speaking at the convention:

Register now for a life transforming experience and encounter with some of the most successful, thought provoking and purpose driven female leaders in the world…all in one place…At The 2nd Global Convention of Global Visionary Women Network, International Festival for Business!

Register here: International Festival for Business 2016 – 2nd Global Convention of Global Visionary Women Network , June 22nd – 24th 2016 Tickets, Wed 22 Jun 2016 at 17:00 | Eventbritehttps://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/international-festival-for-business-2016-2nd-global-convention-of-global-visionary-women-network-tickets-24897857161?aff=ebdsoporgprofile

Contact us today to exhibit, become an ambassador, a member, a partner or sponsor.

We would like to work with you to transform our world and young generation and leaders of tomorrow! You Empower a Woman…You empower a Nation!

Visit our website through the link below for delegate’s Pack, Speaker’s Profile, Event Program, and Registration:

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