Global Women Leadership Summit 2018

& Award Dinner

Theme: A New Paradigm Of Female Leadership

Join Global Visionary Women Network On Saturday 3rd March 2018, for its 2nd Global Women Leadership Summit at The Marble Arch Marriott Hotel, London. The summit is organized as part of The International Women’s Day 2018, with the aim of bringing together female leaders/ aspiring leaders from diverse fields and backgrounds, including some of the Nation’s and World’s most successful female leaders, male role models, scientists, entrepreneurs, and visionaries; to examine and decipher a new paradigm of Female Leadership that breaks down current barriers and prejudices affecting 21st century female leaders and aspiring leaders nationally and globally, and foster inclusiveness and sustainability,

The objective of the Summit is to endorse and implement groundbreaking transformational and innovative strategies, success stories, award-winning best practices/ business models, and cultures from national/global leaders and corporations, that are vital in the creation and establishment of a new paradigm of female leadership – A leadership that fosters cooperation rather than competition.

The Summit will also provide a unique platform, a wealth of resources, inspiration, and motivation for delegates, female leaders and young female entrepreneurs (who represent the next generation of pioneers and global leaders in this paradigm shift) to pitch their business and create more brand awareness. During The Awards Dinner, An Award for The Ultimate Entrepreneur Pitch will be presented to the winner, who will also feature in our 2nd edition of Global Visionary Woman Magazine.

Register Now To Attend

Please see The Summit Program below. Changes may be made on the program at any point before the summit.


3rd March 2018, Marble Arch Marriott Hotel, London

Theme: A New Paradigm Of Female Leadership


10:00-10:45am: Welcome, Registration, and Networking

10:45am-10:50am: Welcome, House Keeping & Introduction To The Global Women In Leadership Summit 2018

Welcome, Housekeeping & Presentation Of Our Global Team by Adeline Sede, Global Secretary/ Africa Chair of GVWN, Founder & CEO of Fab Afriq Magazin

10:50am-11:20 am: Keynote Address by GVWN Matron of Honour & Global Ambassador HRH Queen Naa Tsotsoo Soyoo I of Ga Kingdom of Ghana

The Challenges of Traditional Female Leadership & Need For Of A New Paradigm Of Female Leadership

11:20am-11:35am: Tranditional Female Leadership & The Child Bearing Agenda – Paving the Future In Ethical Leadership & Global Sustainability. By Dr Koita Irfana, Founder & Director Of The Fertility Clinic

11:35am-1:00pm: Panel Discussion + Q & A

Theme: What Is the New Paradigm Of Female Leadership & How Could it Be Achieved? (Chair: Dr Sylvia Forchap Likambi, Founder & Global Chair of GVWN, Founder & CEO of Voice of Nations

What must Women do differently to successfully Create and Implement This New Paradigm of Female Leadership?
What must women stop doing to enable this new paradigm of leadership become reality.
What must women do more?
What is The Role Of Men In This New Paradigm?
What is the role of the established and successful women on the creation of this new leadership paradigm?
What is the role of our youths and children?
What is the Mentor-Mentee relationship?

1:00pm-2:00pm: Lunch break and Networking

2:00pm-3:00pm: Plenary Lecture 2 + Q & A – Global Opportunities On Women Leading The Way in real estate and creating more employment and training opportunities for the young (A Paradigm Shift In Social Housing) by Michael Labbe Of Options Housing International, Canada

3:00pm-4:15pm: Building A New Paradigm of Female Leadership – Implementation Ideas & Strategies/ Way Forward + Q + A

4:15am-5:15pm: The Ultimate Entrepreneur Pitch- Thriving beyond Fear & Unhealthy Competition to Inspire and support The Growth and success of other female leaders and innovators ( 3 minutes Business/ Brand Awareness Pitch By Up to 15 female entrepreneurs)

5:15pm-7:30pm: Networking Cocktail

7:30pm-10:30pm: Award Dinner, Entertainment & Fashion Show

(An Award will be presented to the winner of The Ultimate Branding, Including Free feature in the Global Visionary Woman Magazine 2nd Edition. Three Special Recognition Awards will be presented to 3 outstanding visionaries and pioneers making a difference within their immediate community and afar.

7:30pm -8:00pm: Entertainment By Our Young Stars and leaders

8:00pm-9:30pm: 3 Course Buffet Dinner & Entertainment/Fashion Show

9:30pm-10:00pm: Awards Presentation & Celebration

10:00pm – 10:30pm: Acknowledgements, Photos, Closing Remarks and Farewell