Professor Ella Pereira, Professor of Computer Science, Director of Research, Department of Computer Science , Edge Hill University

As a distinguished female Computer Science academic, Prof Ella Pereira is deeply committed to advancing gender diversity in the predominantly male-dominated technology sector. In today’s dynamic landscape, there exist exceptional opportunities for women to embark on fulfilling, high-paying careers within the technology industry, offering a much-needed infusion of diversity and innovation to this vast field.

Ella has played a pivotal role in national initiatives (e.g. Skills Bootcamps) aimed at fostering computer science and technology education among underrepresented communities in Computer Science STEM related industries (notably, females and people from BAME communities). Her personal passion for mathematics and other STEM disciplines has propelled her to attain an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, a master’s degree in Computer Systems, and a doctorate in Distributed Systems.

With a wealth of industry experience as a software developer, Ella transitioned back to academia, where she has garnered recognition through her academic publications, earning accolades such as best paper awards and recognition for her research leadership. She is notably engaged in organising and chairing various international conferences and workshops, as well as serving as an editor for academic journals and contributing to the editing of books and conference proceedings.

In addition to her illustrious academic career, Ella balances a fulfilling family life with her husband and two teenage sons. In her role as a professor, she takes a lead in organising and developing the research profile within her academic department at Edge Hill University.  

Ella’s exceptional leadership and drive has resulted in her department securing the prestigious Athena Swan Bronze award, a testament to their dedication to fostering gender equality within academic institutions. Ella plays a significant role in the institution’s commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI).

Ella takes immense pride in her contribution to the development and execution of the award-winning “TechUP Women” program, which has successfully attracted, retrained, and retained 100 women from diverse backgrounds, preparing them for roles in technology and higher education.

Furthermore, Ella continues to play an indispensable role in upskilling and retraining individuals for careers in technology through her involvement in the Department for Education funded Skills Bootcamps and other national initiatives. Her unwavering commitment to bridging gender disparities in the technology sector is a testament to her dedication to fostering a more inclusive and diverse tech landscape.